October 25, 2024
CSU President, Ken Styron

President’s Message | The COVID-19 Crisis

Dear students and alumni,

Our country is in the midst of an uncertain time. Among many things, the COVID-19 crisis is creating isolation, confusion and even apprehension. Although it seems counterintuitive, this global crisis is also encouraging connection, creativity and some of the greatest acts of human kindness that we’ve ever seen. It brings me hope to see people supporting each other in times like these.

I am grateful for all of our students and alumni who are on the frontlines, fighting this virus every day. You are heroes in every sense of the word. I am also grateful for the faculty and staff at CSU, many of whom are doing the same. Thanks to the hard work and quick actions of our employees, we have been able to transition more than 400 employees to work remotely and not miss a beat in serving our students and alumni.

Now, more than ever, is a time to band together. We know that many of you are spending more time at home. Maybe you are with your family or friends, or maybe you are staying connected virtually. Either way, I hope that you are staying in touch with the ones you love.

Your CSU family is here to serve you in any way you need, whether it’s spending more time to focus on finishing your degree program, or talking through your plans for pursuing another degree. Whatever you need, we are all banding together to deliver the best help possible, despite the unusual circumstances.

As always, thank you for being a valuable member of the CSU family. Let’s move forward together.

Ken Styron

Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.



  1. Charles

    I have had mixed feelings regarding Dr Styrone position in response to CoVid 19. But I must admit he was right in keeping the school operational during the pandemic. I agree it’s drawn fellows to look after another person. Heroes everywhere. It’s is uplifting. I hope and pray myself and evveryone has a great semester.. Let’s get busy.

    1. Libby Reilly

      Hello, Charles! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and taking the time to join the conversation. We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy and that you have a great term!


      Libby Reilly
      Communications Coordinator
      CSU Marketing

  2. Alejandra Fernandez

    Mr. Styron,

    Given the economic situation that much if the country is currently experiencing…I would like CSU to consider not raising the tuition rates. For many of us students…an increase in tuition would make it difficult to continue pursuing our educational goals.

    Warm regards,

    1. Libby Reilly

      Good morning, Alejandra! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. We understand that this is a disheartening and confusing time for most of our country. Please rest assured that our students’ best interest is always at the forefront of our minds. Thank you for being a part of the CSU family!

      Libby Reilly
      Communications Coordinator
      CSU Marketing

  3. Joe Hoffmaster

    I would like for the University to consider free extensions for certain circumstances. I am a senior at CSU and have one class to complete to earn my degree, and it’s an elective. I signed up for my last class in mid-February 2020. I completed only a few assignments and then THE WORLD changed. I have been actively involved with my community response to this pandemic, and struggle now even to complete day to day needs. l realized real quick it was going to be a challenge for me to finish my assignments, but I thought I would work on them as a “stress relief” from the horrific times that we are all in. I wrote to my advisor and professor and asked for consideration and the reply was “you can pay $…. for x amount of time”. I have the money to do that, but I realize others don’t. Please consider. Thank you.

    1. Libby Reilly

      Good morning, Joe. Thank you for sharing this with us. Our world is a much different place right now and we are doing everything we can to continue to offer the greatest support to our students while keeping our staff members and faculty safe. We want to do everything we can to offer opportunities of flexibility. Please reach out to your academic advisor or email to discuss your unique situation.

      Libby Reilly
      Communications Coordinator

  4. Nicole Perkins

    The pandemic changed every household in our country, in many different ways. My household was hit with multiple family members trying to keep up with school work and teleworking on a single computer. I would like to ask CSU to dismiss the charge to extend classes that were enrolled before the stay-at-home orders were issued.

    1. Libby Reilly

      Good morning, Nicole and thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We recognize that the pandemic is affecting just about everyone in our country in many different ways. We especially see how hard our students are working right now, not just on their studies, but in their jobs and families as well.

      Now, more than ever, it is of the utmost importance to us that we provide you with opportunities for flexibility. We are working closely with our faculty and staff to ensure their safety while providing them with the opportunities to serve you. Please reach out to your academic advisor or email to discuss your unique situation.

      I hope this helps.

      Libby Reilly
      Communications Coordinator