September 13, 2024


Columbia Southern University Receives Award for Innovative Course Design

Blackboard, Inc., a leader in virtual learning environments and course management systems, recently announced Columbia Southern University as one…

Air Force Veteran VaTema Ivy Awarded Forever a Hero Scholarship

By day, VaTema Ivy works diligently for the Air Force Enlisted Village, providing homes to survivors of retired airmen,…

2021 Omega Nu Lambda Scholarship Recipients Announced

Columbia Southern University’s Department of Career Services is proud to present eight students with the Omega Nu Lambda Scholarship. The…

Alumna Penny Engelking Earns EMS Degree to Teach Future EMS Leaders

Earning a bachelor’s degree in her long-time field of emergency medical services administration was only half of Penny Engelking’s…

Kentucky’s Chief Master Sgt. Ray Dawson Earns Third Degree

Chief Master Sgt. Ray E. Dawson is the recently retired state command chief master sergeant for the Kentucky National…

Ask a Librarian: A Library Live Webinar Series

Please join the Columbia Southern University librarians for Library Live webinar series. CSU’s library databases are designed with your…