October 25, 2024
Robert G. Mayes Memorial Scholarship

Louisiana Fire Officer Patrick Williams Receives Scholarship for Volunteering Efforts

Columbia Southern University recently awarded Patrick Williams of Alexandria, Louisiana, the Robert G. Mayes Memorial Scholarship for his outstanding work and community service efforts as a model CSU graduate.

Williams, the first assistant fire chief at the Alexandria Fire Department, wears many other hats as he is also a training officer at Echo Volunteer Fire Department in Newville, Alabama, a part-time minister, a Sunday school teacher in his local assembly and a volunteer at a local food kitchen. When time permits, Williams also builds and installs ramps and accessories free of charge for citizens in his area who use wheelchairs.

“I hope my helping and serving others will leave a positive impact on my family, community and the world,” said Williams. “My giving back may not be as big or as significant as others, but I believe that serving others will make the world a little better for generations to come.”

Williams, who holds a CSU bachelor’s degree in fire administration, plans to use the scholarship to complete a master’s degree in emergency services management.

The scholarship was established to honor Dr. Robert Mayes, Columbia Southern University founder. This 36-credit hour scholarship is awarded annually to one CSU alumnus who wants to further their education by obtaining an online master’s degree with CSU. The award will be applied for up to three years or until the completion of the online degree program, whichever comes first.

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