October 25, 2024
CSU 2022 Scholarship Roundup

October 2023 Scholarship Roundup

Brandon Boettcher
Brandon Boettcher of Isanti, Minnesota, is the recipient of the National Volunteer Fire Council Scholarship. He works as a firefighter and an emergency medical technician with the Isanti Fire District.

“The fire service has a history of being set in our ways and resistant to change and I want to be a part of the firefighters that change that view and are excited about new tools and strategies,” he said. “I can be an example to the community of how it is possible to serve your community by volunteering as a firefighter and emergency medical technician, but also simultaneously earn personal and professional development skills and education that serve your future.”

With this scholarship, Boettcher will pursue a master’s degree in information technology.

“While information technology may not fit the typical education path for the National Volunteer Fire Council, I know that firefighters and EMTs must be aware of the technology that is available to them,” he said. “Once this technology is properly introduced to the fire service, it will save lives and property. With a degree in information technology, I can be a part of this process.”

Andrea DiCicco
Andrea DiCicco of Whiteville, North Carolina, is the recipient of the CSU Knight Scholarship. She currently works full-time as a criminal investigator.

“I hope to one day lead an agency into the next generation of policing either as a sheriff or police chief,” she said. “I have completed and earned my 4-star Credible Leader certification through the Criminal Justice Commission for Credible Leadership Development and hope to use those skills in correlation with my degree to ensure effective leadership for my position.”

With this scholarship, DiCicco will pursue an associate degree in criminal justice.

“By earning my degree, I hope to be able to secure a better paying position with the agency I’m currently employed by and better all of our lives,” she said. “I am a goal-driven professional and fully believe that if awarded this scholarship, the impact it will have on my family will be tremendous.”

James Glover
James Glover of Tucson, Arizona, is the recipient of the CSU Fire Scholarship. He has worked as a firefighter and paramedic for nine years and a Marine Corps reservist for 16 years.

“I’ve been on the front lines of emergencies to ensure the safety and well-being of those in need,” he said. “Whether it’s responding to structure fires, motor vehicle accidents, medical emergencies or other crises, I’ve worked tirelessly to provide essential aid and reassurance during times of distress.”

With this scholarship, Glover will pursue a bachelor’s degree in fire administration.

“This scholarship would continue my educational journey and strengthen my ability to serve my community,” he said. “With enhanced knowledge and skills, I could contribute even more as a foster father, a Marine Corps reservist and a firefighter paramedic. By furthering my education, I aim to strengthen my positive influence and demonstrate to those around me that determination, resilience and commitment to others can impact our community.”

For more information about Columbia Southern University’s scholarships, visit

Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.
