October 25, 2024

Take 5 With CSU Math Specialist Matthew Napier

Matthew Napier works for Columbia Southern University as a math specialist in the CSU Success Center. In his role, Matthew spends a lot of time assisting students with math in all different types of courses (math, science, business/accounting, occupational safety and health, and more). He works with students on the telephone, through email and even conducts live sessions where they can view a shared screen as they work through a problem together.

We asked him to share more about himself and what he loves most about his career:

  1. What do you enjoy most about your job? Getting to know students has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. I love interacting with students and learning about the goals they hope to achieve with their degrees. It’s very rewarding to know I can be a small part of their success.
  1. What is your favorite CSU memory or moment? My favorite CSU memory was the 2017 company Christmas party. It took place just a few months after I started, and it was the first opportunity I had to truly experience the camaraderie and enthusiasm that exists throughout the entire university. I already knew I enjoyed my job, but this made it that much better.
  1. Considering your job, what advice would you give to a CSU student? Call us! I have so many students tell me they don’t like asking for help or they don’t want to bother us with their issues. We enjoy helping students and we want you to call us! We understand how difficult math can be, and we want to help make it a little easier.
  1. What can a student expect when they come to the Success Center for assistance? Students can expect to speak to friendly and enthusiastic math and writing specialists who truly care about the education and success of everyone they assist.
  1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids. Both kids are in high school, so that doesn’t happen as often as I’d like anymore. I also enjoy watching movies and sports, attending ballgames and concerts, playing guitar and working on brainteasers/puzzles.

 For more information about CSU’s Success Center, email

Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.


One Comment

  1. Traceann Fontenot

    I am glad to see Mr. Mathew Napier getting the best recognition. He has helped me through some very scary times as a 51-year student trying to understand Elementary Statistics this 2023 summer. I have not taken a math course in a long time, but he made me feel so confident that I did not want to quit trying to figure out a problem that included z-score probabilities. Thank you, Mr. Mathew Napier. Now that I am back at work and the summer extra time is over as an Elementary Head Start Teacher, I am scared that I want to make it, but I have already reached out to the student success team, and they are going to help me figure it all out. I do feel like they at CSU care about my future as a single parent and all that I am trying to achieve.