February 17, 2025

From Stay-At-Home Mom to College Graduate: Crystal Bailey Shares Her Aunt’s Inspiration to Earn Her Degree

Crystal Bailey had a desire to finish school, not only for herself, but also for her aunt. When she applied to CSU, she already had a year’s worth of studies under her belt with a goal of earning an associate degree. However, life became busy with raising three children, causing her to put her desire on hold. As her children grew older, it was her aunt who gave her the push she needed to enroll.

“When I applied to CSU, I was already a year into my associate’s degree,” she said. “However, I was a stay-at-home mom that desired to complete my studies, but I was very busy. I mentioned this very thing to my aunt whom I was very close with, and she confidently told me that she believed that I could do it and that I should for myself since my children were getting older. It wasn’t until she passed away in January of 2023 that I enrolled into school, and I completed my degree not only for myself but mainly for her.”

Enrolling at CSU enabled Crystal the ability to attend graduation with her family. CSU’s low tuition rate also played a factor in her enrollment. Both her sister and brother-in-law are CSU graduates, all of which sealed the deal for Crystal to become a student at CSU.

Becoming a CSU student gave her the confidence within herself to never give up on your dreams.

“I learned a lot about myself while attending CSU courses. I learned that I don’t give up and I am a lot smarter than I give myself credit for,” she said. “I overall enjoyed my time at CSU, and I think they have the best caring staff/members. I’m so glad I chose this college and happy that they allowed me to be a part of it as well.”

Crystal’s educational journey at CSU started with her aunt’s inspiration, and a smooth enrollment process proved helpful given her busy schedule.

“I think you should enroll in CSU because they help you throughout your whole journey. The process is easy, tuition rate is low, and you’ll have an overall great experience. I’m proud to be a CSU graduate because they made everything easy for me from start to finish.”

“CSU made my educational journey easy and I’m not just saying that,” she said. “My advisor is awesome and my professors gave me the constructive criticism that was needed. If you’re looking for a college that really helps their students, please stop at CSU.”

With a concentration in health care, earning her degree has already led to more opportunities for Crystal. If that were not enough, she is also a member of the Honor Society, the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) and Omega Nu Lambda.

“My degree has given me a broad variety of potential jobs in the health care field,” she said. “I’ve had doors open for opportunities that I wouldn’t be able to apply for without my degree.”

Earning her associate degree made Crystal realize that it’s never too late to chase after your dreams no matter where you are in life.

“If you are at a point in life where you can spare a little time to further your education, just do it because you are capable and you deserve it.”

Crystal graduated with an associate degree in health information science in October 2024.

Even though her aunt has passed, she was very much with her as she walked across the stage. Her aunt’s last text message was encouraging her to go back to earn her degree–Crystal had that last message placed on her graduation stole, as she was the inspiration for her to enroll in the first place.

“I decided to pursue my degree for my aunt. She knew my desires of finishing school, so I decided to enroll for her.”

Crystal is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in health care administration at CSU.


Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.
