February 15, 2025
CSU Doctor of Business Administration Graduates

2024 Doctor of Business Administration Students Defend Doctoral Dissertations

The following Doctor of Business Administration students recently defended their dissertations. Congratulations to all!

Angelika Huguley
The Relationship between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction on Freight Forwarding Employees post Covid-19: A Correlational Study

Lorrie Hardin
Tenure and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses in the Healthcare Industry: A Causal- Comparative Study

Michael McClanahan
A Quantitative Study on Technostress and Generational Cohorts in the IT Industry

Daniel Kaplan
A Quantitative Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Alternative Work Schedules in the Law Enforcement Industry

Danielle Munro
A Quantitative Study on Finance and Accounting Employees’ INternal Whistleblowing Intentions at 501 (c) (3) Nonprofits

Dennis Cox
The E-Commerce Marketing Shell Game: Struggles, Sanguine, and Strategies of Arizona’s Pecan Farmers SMEs

Adam White
Employee Turnover and Retention Strategies in Pipeline Fitting Manufacturing During a Pandemic

Ajmal Hamam
The Causes of and Solutions to High Labor Turnover in the US Hospitality Industry

Latrina Hyde
Improving Retention Among Patient Care Assistants in Hospitals Post Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Inquiry Study

Jayme Moritz
The Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction of Healthcare Professionals: A Quantitative Study

Larry Muncey
Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction within Law Enforcement Agencies: A Correlational Study

Erica Hayes
Black Male Entrepreneurs: Bridging the Gap and Building Best Practices

Vanessa Holloway
Bank Executives’ Strategies for Operational Resilience Amidst Crisis

Dustin Hofheins
The Role of Love in Servant Leadership: A Qualitative Study

Akinola Olufuwa
A Quantitative Study on the Influence of Employment Barriers on Entrepreneurial Intentions in Nigeria and in the United States of America

Randall Simmons
The Difference Between Supervisors Safety -Specific Behavior and Departments

Katherine Vester
Adaptive Leadership and Employee Trust as Determinants of Employee Commitment at African American- Owned Businesses: A Correlational Study

Cy Peverill
Strategies to Mitigate the Impact of Financial Crises on Independent Financial Advisors

Amy Lynn Koehler- Warren
The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, Organizational Safety Climate, and Job Satisfaction: A Quantitative Study

Bernd Deffland
The Relationship Between Employees’ Age, Job Satisfaction, and Worker Engagement at a Global Manufacturing Company

Tiffany Jones Carter
The Impact of Remote Work and Quality of working Life on the Job Satisfaction of Air Force Contracting Professionals

Randy Westmoreland
A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between the Well- Being of Occupational Safety and Health Employees and Turnover Intention

Nguyen Hong
Critical Successful Factors Influencing Multi- Stakeholders’ Container Round -Use Platform Adoption: Evidence from Vietnam

Ugonna Agwani
A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Leadership Effectiveness, Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Christine Whitaker
The Influences of Generational Values and Experiences on Mentorship Programs

Wallace Edmondson
A Quantitative Study of the Difference in Job Satisfaction Based on Tenure and Education Level of Automotive Industry Employees

Robert West
Total Quality Management’s Effect on Employees in the Hospitality Industry


To learn more about Columbia Southern University’s DBA program, visit


Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.
