March 13, 2025
CSU 2022 Scholarship Roundup

November 2023 Scholarship Roundup

Casey Sturgis
Casey Sturgis of Spring, Texas, is the recipient of a CSU Learning Partner Scholarship. Sturgis currently works as an EMS training captain. With this scholarship, Sturgis plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in emergency medical services administration.

“As a mother of a child with Down syndrome and an EMS training captain, I recognized a pressing issue within my community,” she said. “Throughout my medical training, I noticed a lack of education concerning special needs patients. I seized the opportunity to address this gap. I spearheaded an initiative that equipped our field crews with comprehensive knowledge about various special needs and the corresponding adaptations required in medical care. Guided by my personal experience as a mother, I infused empathy and understanding into the training sessions.”

Nicholas Seliger
Nicholas Seliger of Portland, Tennessee, has been awarded the National Volunteer Fire Council Scholarship. He currently serves as a volunteer firefighter for the Nashville Fire Marshal’s Office.

“With the support and encouragement from my father, I joined the fire department in which I served beside him to protect and serve our community in the fire and emergency services,” he said. “I have been involved in various emergency responses, providing assistance to those affected by fires or accidents. These experiences have fueled my passion for serving others and saving lives.”

Seliger plans to use this scholarship to work towards a bachelor’s degree in fire administration.

“The opportunity to continue my education through a scholarship in the fire science field is an invaluable opportunity for personal growth and professional development,” he said. “Through dedication and commitment, I intend to utilize this scholarship effectively for personal growth as well as making positive contributions towards advancing in the field of fire services such as becoming a fire chief or fire marshal.”

Anthony Taijeron
Anthony Taijeron of Atlanta, Georgia, is the recipient of the Atlanta Police Department Scholarship. As a police officer, Taijeron says his primary goal is to influence his fellow officers to pursue a college degree.

“After earning a degree myself within the next two years, I would use the following three years to recruit my officers to attend Columbia Southern University. I would not be satisfied until everyone on my watch has maximized their potential and obtained a degree.”

With this scholarship, he is looking to pursue a bachelor’s degree in information systems and cyber security.

“The degree would symbolize the final step in my journey to overcome hardship and succeed,” he said. “It would also allow me to turn to the next phase of my life and pay forward the good will I was shown in my time of need.”

Tatiana Bridgeman
Tatiana Bridgeman of Coker, Alabama, has been awarded a Regional Learner Partner Scholarship. She is currently a branch manager with Alabama Credit Union.

“I enjoy helping others reach their financial goals and explore their options when it comes to their money,” she said. “I am working toward becoming an area manager, and then I would like to see myself as a member of our senior leadership team.”

With this scholarship, Bridgeman plans to obtain a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership.

“As a member of the senior leadership team, I would be able to see the organization as a whole and have a bigger influence in the way that the company progresses.”

Laura Toth
Laura Toth of Byron, Minnesota, is the recipient of the CSU Learning Partner Scholarship. Currently, Toth works as a firefighter.

“With this scholarship and a bachelor’s degree under my belt, I can advance higher in the ranks and have a larger impact on the fire department and the community at large,” she said. “These influences will directly affect the personal of the department and the citizens of my community and the relationship between the two.”

Toth plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in fire administration with this scholarship.

“My life experiences have prepared me for my degree program in many ways, but one of the biggest is that I have experienced both good and bad leadership and seen what both can do for a department, it’s people and the community.”

For more information about Columbia Southern University’s scholarships, visit


Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography and degree field, affect career outcomes. CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.

 This testimonial may not reflect the typical or ordinary experience of CSU students.

Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.
