October 25, 2024

Don’t Skimp on Skills to Complement Your Resume

What are employers really looking for when they are seeking a qualified candidate?
According to LinkedIn*, these are the top five in-demand soft skills for 2019:

• Time management
• Adaptability
• Collaboration
• Persuasion
• Creativity

The top five hard skills for 2019 are:

• User experience design
• People management
• Analytical reasoning
• Artificial intelligence
• Cloud computing

When it comes to writing your resume, mentioning your soft skills, as well as your hard skills, could set you apart from the rest of the competition. Employers are focusing just as much on skills attained through experience as they are on education. In addition to your degree, consider taking online certification courses or pursuing an internship to help you hone in on your skills, as well as develop new ones. You may also consider asking your supervisor if you could assist with the latest project, even if it is slightly out of your job description, in order to acquire more experience.

Be sure to keep up with the results of the tasks and projects you complete as these can be beneficial in formulating the accomplishment statements in your resume. Accomplishment statements are quantified information about how you made a difference in your role. For example, “I exceeded my monthly productivity goals by 20% each quarter in 2018.”

You have already proven you are set apart from the competition because of your hard work and goal-crushing when it comes to your education. Now, go a step ahead by ensuring your hard and soft skills, as well as the things you accomplished by going above and beyond in your current role, are evident in your resume.

Assistance through CSU Career Services is available to all students and alumni at no additional cost. Services include resume review, interview preparation, job search strategies and more. Additional career resources and ways to connect with a career development counselor can be found at

Disclaimer: These testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.
Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes.
CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth.
